
We actively promote a culture of innovation and continuous improvement. Our consultants lead by example, building a strong understanding of our client’s business and staying open to new approaches, concepts and technologies.

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Benefit from our expertise

Sports & Events Management Legal Advisory

Kaden Boriss believes that Sports and Event Management is one of the booming industries of the world which powers passion, excitement and presents a powerful prospect for investments and corporate transactions.

It involves a consortium of related laws which may apply to Sport across player contracts, transfer regulations, sports management, foreign acquisitions, broadcast rights, endorsement agreements, IP Portfolios, Collective Bargaining Agreements and so on. We apply our multifaceted expertise to address your requirements ranging across issues which may fall within the broad spectrum of practice areas we cover from the services and sectors which we practice.

We believe that the increase in demand for sports, thanks to expanding leagues and events have presented opportunities, which we would like to assist our interested clients to harness. The firm also specializes in comprehensive legal contractual documentation pertaining to motion pictures, television, book publishing, internet media, theatre, music, sports & entertainment industry.

Hot topics that may arise in sports & events management

Aside from conduct or harm on the players part, sports law plays an instrumental role in making sure that players aren’t being discriminated upon due to their religion, race, or stature. By keeping employers in check from biased practices, sports as a whole can involve a much larger array of talented individuals.

“Professional sports services contract” means an agreement under which an individual is employed, or agrees to render services, as a player on a professional sports team, with a professional sports organization or as a professional athlete.

In sports, rules define what is allowed or not allowed to occur during situations on and off the court. Rules govern anything from wearing proper uniforms to how to keep score during games of different levels of competition.

Sports & Events Consultants

Ashok Gopinath

📩 ashok@kadenboriss.ae

you are not alone

We use our knowledge and experience to provide a complete legal service to clients in our core sectors.

Our 12 offices around the globe are always open for you. Our legal professionals work hand to hand to ensure we efficiently cover legal inquiries across our practice zones. Thank you for your interest in Kaden Boriss.

Your issue becomes ours when you come to us.

We operate all over the world, from our own offices, associated offices and established relationships with correspondent law firms.

“Liberty is the right to do what the law permits.”


plan of action

A personalized treatment for each case

Some cases may look alike but not always to the details. We always make sure we understand our clients to the nearest detail so we can provide optimal support. We take your issue and transform it to an opportunity so you make full profit from it.


One step ahead

Our experience and expertise permits us to understand your issue faster.


building your case

Details focused, we bring out a strategy for best possible result.


achieving your goals

We follow-up the case closely, keeping you aware of it evolution.