
We are Kaden Boriss – Kuwait

Kaden Boriss works in close cooperation in Kuwait with Al Oula Law firm which was established by Adel Abdulhadi in 2002 but despite relatively short period of existence, it has achieved great success in all the areas of practice especially in the area of dispute resolution where it has continued to demonstrate its superior ability to handle and find solutions to the most difficult cases.

With a firm commitment to excellence, Al Oula Law has become one of the fastest growing full service law firms in the State of Kuwait. Its practice is diverse and approach always business-like with attorneys being exceptional and experienced in their areas of practice.

Partner, Kuwait


Kuwait – Hawalli – 3rd Ring Road – Al Othman Street Plaza Complex – 3rd Floor – Office 11 & 12 P. O. Box 16107 Al Qadesiya Area Code 35851 Kuwait

Practice Areas


Taxation Lawyer

We advise on Kuwait’s company income tax laws and likely tax aspects of commercial transactions.

Intellectual Property Lawyer

We advise on legal procedures and documentation for registration of trademarks, trade names, patents, copyrights and other forms of intellectual property and institute legal actions on behalf of clients in the event of infringement of their intellectual property rights. We also advise and assist with the renewal process of intellectual property rights.

Employment Lawyer

We advise on the different aspects of Kuwait labour laws and provide clients with advice aimed at maintaining good employment relations. We prepare and review contracts of employment, attend and observe proceedings of disciplinary committees and ensure that the interest of the client is protected.

Criminal Lawyer

We represent individuals and companies in all types of criminal proceedings pending before the courts, attend sessions of interrogations, appear before investigative panels and tribunals and proffer advice on criminal charges filed.

Commercial Lawyer

We provide advice and prepare documentation on the different types of agency relationships under Kuwait law, joint ventures, partnerships, franchises, leases, brokerage relationship, etc; and prepare all types of contractual documents relating to client’s contractors, suppliers and customers. We are also involved in corporate finance transactions such as project finance and equity financing. We also advise on oil and gas contracts, construction and engineering contracts, telecommunications agreements, real estate acquisition etc.

Kaden Boriss is a dynamic, rapidly expanding global specialist firm committed to operating in a responsible way.